Herb Growing Times

Things you need to know covers all of the little things that other stores overlook -- and we put importance to.

Here is a helpful chart for growing herbs. This will help you better plan the herbs you grow and when you can expect them to be ready for harvest.

Growing Times

                           Time from Sowing to 1st Harvest              Regeneration Time
Basil                                   85 - 90 days                                     14 - 18 days
Chives                                110 -120 days                                  16 - 20 days
Cilantro                              50 - 60 days                                     14 - 16 days
Dill                                     45 - 50 days                                      14 - 18 days
Lemon Balm                       100 - 120 days                                  18 - 21 days
Sweet Marjoram                 125 - 135 days                                  18 - 21 days
Oregano                             100 - 120 days                                   21 - 24 days
Parsley                               50 - 70 days                                       10 - 14 days
Sage                                  90 - 100 days                                     10 - 14 days
Thyme                                90 - 100 days                                     20 -25 days